Nose operation yes or no?
„Do I want to have the shape of my nose changed or should I just accept it?“ „Do I need a nose operation?“ These questions occupy the minds of so many people - frequently for years. Friends and family usually have different opinions and can rarely really help you to reach your decision.

The emotional distress is not dependent on the nasal deformity. For example, even a minor deformity can cause severe emotional distress. On the other hand, a monstrous nasal form could have practically no effect on the well-being of its owner.
Only if you really want it
Only decide for a nose operation if you are convinced, at the bottom of your heart, that you want a different nose shape. A consultation can help you make your decision.
The decision to undergo a nose operation is always an emotional decision. Therefore, allow yourself enough time. However, if your wish remains: act upon your feelings.
Your nose should be able to breathe freely and look nice
Remember, your nose is not merely an ornament in your face, it also has essential functions.
Your nose guarantees basic respiration. Continuous oral respiration is associated with considerable difficulties in regard to the air you inhale. Deep, refreshing sleep is impossible without free nasal respiration. Smelling, eating and speaking are all dependent on free nasal respiration.
For this reason, it is essential to devote equal consideration to function and appearance of your nose concerning the operation.
Your nose links the harmony of your eyes with your mouth. Your nose should emphasise the beauty of your eyes and your mouth without playing a significant part itself.
Even a harmonious face is never completely symmetrical. The nose ensures the balance, which accounts for beauty and must be taken into consideration for an operation.
The more even the imaginary line between eyebrows and tip of the nose, the more harmonious the face appears.

Eyes and mouth communicate your spontaneous emotions and the radiance of your feelings. The facial form combined with nose, brows, jaw, and chin shape your facial character.
Interaction in the face
The nose forms the centre of the face. Nose, forehead, lips and chin have a mutual influence in their appearance.
In the photo on the right, I have reduced the chin of this young woman by means of computer simulation. The nose loses its lower frame as a result of the chin reduction and this makes the nose look more dominant.

In the photo on the right, I have made the forehead recede by means of computer simulation. The receding forehead allows the nose to appear larger and more dominant.

Both examples show how our facial parts influence each other. It is important to include this facial interaction in the surgery planning.