Computer Simulation
Before every aesthetic nasal operation, I carry out a computer simulation of the outcome together with the patient. The patient is emailed the pictures on request.
The computer simulation is not an illustration of how the nose will look like after the operation. Its purpose is to formulate the goal of the operation. The computer simulation also sets the stage for a discussion on how a nose reduction will impact the physiognomy of the face.
During the nasal operation it is determined to what extent the defined goal of the operation can be achieved with a reasonable level of risk.
Generally, predictability and accuracy of the computer simulation are relative to the extent of the planned change of the nose. In other words, it is impossible to state with absolute precision how the nose shape will turn out following the operation.
Achieving a perfect nose shape in surgery is easier said than done.
Computer simulation examples: "Large Hooked nose 2" und "Large nose 3"