We receive plenty of feedback from our patients. We always appreciate such feedback and are pleased to make these publicly available with the permission from our clients.
*The patient's names were changed to maintain privacy.
10.07.22 from Léonie* - Profound thoughts about (another) rhinoplasty
Dear Dr. Bessler
Please take your time to read the entire letter before you possibly form a judgment on what has been written, grasping your head in exasperation. It is important for me to refer again to a conversation during our previous meeting. At that time I asked you if you would be willing to operate on my nose again. I would like to write to you because it would mean a lot to me if we could talk about it again, or if you could explain to me why you think that another operation is out of the question.
During this conversation, you expressed the concern that my problem was not my nose at all, but my general dissatisfaction with my appearance. Hence my question: do you think I have body dysmorphophobia? Or do I simply have presumptuous ideas of what is ideal? Or asked again in another way, don’t you see the things that bother me about myself? And do you see the things that I still find disturbing about my nose just as little?
I am aware that it is strange to write such a long letter about my nose while other people's lives are threatened. In this respect, this letter is not only a testimony to clowning at the highest level, but also one of cynicism. And yet it doesn't strike me as so absurd when I think of how much our lives are permeated by contradictions and how perfectly it fits into our century, in which preoccupation with appearances has become a basic constant of existence. Every day advertisements make us understand that one should not accept defects in one's appearance, but can effectively eliminate them through interventions of all kinds: Jawline injections here, a face-lift there, breast augmentation here, chin reduction there....
I am sure that I would never have made the same demands on my appearance if I had lived in 18th century Switzerland, or say in today's Botswana, where money is barely enough for food, or maybe not even that.
I myself believe that I have a self-perception that is very critical and not particularly benevolent, but by no means out of touch with reality. I also realized when I suffered from pronounced anorexia that I was much too thin. I do not perceive my current self-perception as disturbed: I find myself attractive.
But there are certain components about me that bother me. And again, this sense of disturbance is hardly an unspeakable trait of mine, but a consequence of our Western ideal of beauty, which not only propagates a very specific image of women, but also emphasizes attributes such as attractiveness, youthfulness and beauty, especially as far as women are concerned. For example, studies show that a woman who is not particularly attractive is considered less intelligent and competent, and also has a harder time finding work. Or it may even be that such a woman is not believed to be able to be a victim of abuse, as a recent case in Ancona showed: Judges found a woman too ugly to be a victim of sexual violence. The perpetrators - one stood lookout while the other raped the woman - were therefore acquitted by the judges at a court trial in 2019.
It is therefore hardly surprising that women - but increasingly also men - feel great pressure to be beautiful. So many prefer to go under the knife, get injected here or there, rather than accept their supposed imperfections.
The "beauty industry" that I have generalized here advertises obtrusively and for all to see in public and virtual space. It does not say "You are beautiful!" It says, "Even if you look good, there's still plenty to do." On Instagram alone, every day among the many posts from people I follow, I get ads for laser devices for hair growth on legs and arms, ads for hyaluronic injections - lips, jawline, chin, ads for beauty clinics.... Celebrities who deny ever having undergone a cosmetic procedure also advertise. Bella Hadid, Kylie Jenner, Eiza Gonzalez and Ariana Grande, for example, looked very different a few years ago than they do today. These women fatally suggest the limitless malleability of the face through aesthetic surgery. They suggest that there are limits only to those women who have not yet recognized this truth.
However, I do not consider women like the above-mentioned, who have undergone x number of operations, to be weak or purely superficial. Certainly, Bella Hadid for instance felt the same pressure as I did and was confronted with her alleged inadequacy and the publicity for aesthetic surgery. Perhaps she thought that she would rather go under the knife dozens of times and thus submit to the Western ideal of beauty than accept her less than perfect appearance. Is she happier now? Maybe, maybe not.
Of course, I don't find it per se unobjectionable when women, with their mania for undergoing beauty procedures, submit to the dictates of what is shown to us daily, hourly and minutely on our little Iphone screens as the ideal image of a woman: Because with their appearance perfected by surgery and photo filters, they also increase the pressure on other women who don't find themselves attractive enough to do the same.
Nevertheless, I believe that cosmetic surgery is a blessing in many cases. The decision to have surgery is also a self-aware act that I find legitimate. Orlan, for example, a French artist, has repeatedly undergone aesthetic surgery for her works, which she calls 'Carnal Art'. She herself advocates that plastic surgery represents a kind of self-empowerment to change one's appearance according to one's own ideas. I share this opinion: this quasi 'divine act' of self-forming also has its appeal, as shown, for example, in Pedro Almodovar's film The Skin I Live In (2011), which you may also have seen. Like Orlan, I think it's important to recognize the right of every individual to modify their own body as they wish, especially as today's technological possibilities make it feasible. Feminists, however, argue about whether cosmetic surgery is self-empowerment or a sign of oppression. I don't know what stance to take on this; it's probably both.
I agree with you on some points that I am a little too critical of my appearance, but not on the point you have made, namely that I could certainly plan numerous other procedures in view of my criticism. Besides, even if I had numerous procedures done, I would be far from being a unique phenomenon using today's possibilities and technologies to "manipulate" the exterior, otherwise there would not be this immense market for all these possible and impossible procedures. The fact that you consequently argued with me with such vehemence hit me. Especially because, of course, as a nose surgeon, you are also part of this industry that allows women and men to have their complexes surgically operated away.
But let me come back to the reason why I am writing to you... I am sorry, I have bothered you about my nose for the second time and thus perhaps offended you personally. I sincerely hope that it did not happen, because apart from the fact that this would certainly not have been my intention, I know that you are a luminary in nose surgery. Moreover, thinking back to the nose I was born with, I am immensely happy with its present condition! Although it has been two procedures so far that have led to its current appearance, I have not found any of them unsuccessful. In any case, I do not want to go back to my original nose.
I regret that I did not list all the things that bothered me about my nose from the beginning. First of all, it has to do with the fact that I used to have the greatest respect and fear of surgical procedures and general anesthesia and thought that a conservative nose correction would be less risky. Secondly, a more complex operation, for example with changes to the nasal bone, would have cost me even more. The first doctor who operated on my nose told me that the nose would become straight even without working on the bone.
I know you told me that you don't want to operate on my nose another time. Your refusal is painful for me, of course, but there is little I can do about it except to make my feelings known to you in this letter and tell you what is on my mind. At the same time I can understand your 'no', because I am sure that you have made a lot of effort during the operation to get the best out of it and therefore doubt that a third operation could still have a positive effect.
In our last session you said that I did not know what exactly these things were that were still bothering me. My statements were too vague for you.
You may think I am hysterical to write you this page-long letter now. I didn’t want to give you any reason to think that I am hysterical or neurotic. Rather, I wanted to reveal my feelings and thoughts to you in writing, because I have not yet concluded the subject of the 'nose'. It would also mean a lot to me if you would agree to let me know what objections your rejection has to do with. I would further ask you to perhaps even reconsider your vote of 'no'.
Thank you for reading this letter to the end....
Sincerely, Léonie*
The consequences of this letter:
Fortunately, after receiving this letter, Mr. Bessler agreed to perform the surgery I had requested. 6 months ago, the rhinoplasty took place in his clinic under general anesthesia. I am very pleased with the result. Thank you, Dr Bessler
01.07.21 from Sara* - He Should Be Called Dr. "BEST"ler!
I have been living with a botched nose for 15 years. I had my primary rhinoplasty when was 37, and since I was starting from such an unattractive beginning point, it only gradually dawned on me over the years that it wasn't normal to have two entirely different sized nostrils, that it wasn't normal to be unable to press on a certain point on the bridge of my nose without feeling a sharp pain, that it looked a bit strange that my nose wasn't straight (it was off-center), and that I also had a hard sharp bump on the left side of my nose, which tilted up like a wood sprite, or Michael Jackson (I am sorry to use him as a reference but it’s the best descriptor; everyone will know what I mean). So, all of these factors began to disturb me more and more, until finally I started to make the rounds of all the "best" revision rhinoplasty doctors in Europe where I live, and in the US where I was born. Each time, I met qualified surgeons, very nice, but I never felt confident to go through with another intervention because I always remembered the words of my primary surgeon coming back to haunt me "you cannot change the basic shape of the nose. I can only work so much with the materials I have before me" he said. So, I just kept thinking oh my gosh, well, what would anyone have to work with NOW? This is a disaster! In addition to this, I also finally realized that I wanted, honestly, to stay close to home. It is already daunting enough to go through a surgery. Did I really want to do it in a strange city? Over the years I kept looking and keeping up with surgeons and their work. Finally, I noticed that of all the doctors in my area, mainly Dr. Bessler was posting photos and videos of his work online. He had an Instagram account, and a YouTube channel, and he was confident about showing what he was doing. In Europe, this is a big deal. It is rare to see before and afters of work done by surgeons. Anyway - it was clear that Dr. Bessler is doing work that is complicated, and he also works across races. I find it impressive that he can perform successful rhinoplasties on the Asian nose, the African or Black nose, as well as the Caucasian nose (I am judging by his client satisfaction videos, which you can see on IG and YouTube - also these patients look amazing). You can see this in his videos. I made an appointment for a consultation 3 YEARS AGO. I spoke with him at length, and he made extensive photos of my face, and we modelled together what I hoped to look like. EVEN THEN, I didn't believe he could help me. I thought I was too messed up. I waited and went to more appointments with more doctors. No one was really hitting my standards. Then came Covid. We were all locked up in our houses and I thought wow this is just never going to happen. I revisited all my files and looked over all my notes, I realized the only doctor who came close to what I was dreaming of was Dr. Bessler. In the meantime, he was only excelling, just operating, and hitting his bullseye with his patients every time. I made yet another appointment to speak with him, and here I want to say that first of all, after 3 years, the office still had my file, I was still remembered, and I was treated with the same or even better courtesy and respect as if it were the first visit. I went for it - I booked my appointment for end of March.
I was so nervous! I took a bunch of photos of Old Face (or really Face Number Two lol) and then went under. I chose to be operated in Dr. Bessler's own operating facility, which was a great choice. He has everything right there, it’s very comfortable, top standards, hygiene you don't have to even worry about: excellent, and everyone who works with Dr. Bessler is as personable and wonderful as he is himself. I also should say that the anesthesiologist called me the night before to discuss his role in the process. It was a great conversation, I felt well looked after and much more relaxed going into the next day. The operation went really well, it was even shorter than expected because I did not have to use any cartilage from my ribs (luckily). I was in at 8 and out at 3.
Well, what can I say. It is exactly what everyone says. Textbook! I had panicky moments where I would freak out and cry because, let’s face it, the nose was swollen! It was big! It looked like an old man had taken possession of my head! I was back and forth to Dr. Bessler like 5 times in the first 2 weeks, until he finally had to send me home saying, look: give it time to heal. I don't want to see you until July. And even THAT he did sooooo nicely.
And he is right! I was obsessively taking pictures of my face almost daily - and now I have stopped doing it because, as of about a week ago, about 2 and a half months post-op, a lot of the swelling is gone and I have a beautiful, normal looking nose! I have two similarly shaped nostrils (on my wish list), I have a straight bridge (on my wish list), and you can't look at my face and look straight into my nostrils (also on my wish list). There is still swelling at the tip, but all the literature says this takes a year or longer to go down with a revision. And frankly, it looks really good now, so I hope it won’t change too much. I have a bit of width on the sides, I want to ask about that at my appointment next week, but otherwise, and even with these questions, it’s all small potatoes. If you saw before and afters, (I will try to add some) you would be amazed. Bottom line: I am VERY HAPPY. I can absolutely recommend Dr. Bessler to anyone looking for a solution for a complicated (or even an easy) rhinoplasty, and all of his office staff, every single person, are lovely and helpful and make this scary process so easy.
Thank you, Doctor Bessler. You changed my life for the better!
31.08.20 from Camille*
Hi Dr. Bessler, I’m one of your former patients. When I came to you in 2017 I was starting to specialize in plastic surgery. I’m finishing all of my residency in October in Paris. I’m writing you a little message because as I’m looking at my wedding pictures from this August, I find my nose so perfect and I love it so much... As a plastic surgeon I understand the magnitude of your work and I am so grateful it just looks so natural and elegant.
Thank you really. I hope you can let me come to observe some of your surgeries in Zürich one day so I can also thank you in person! Cheers, Camille*

21.06.19 from Roger*
(copied from Google)
After a severe car accident, during which my face was smashed towards the windshield, I lost part of the wing of my nostril. In public hospital, reconstructive surgery was denied, because it was too costly and too complicated. A disfigured nose midst in your face is always and everywhere the focus of attention. This was a very tedious time for me. So, I finally decided to get an appointment with Dr. Bessler. His team was very caring and the consultation with Dr. Bessler and the following nasal surgery where first class. Without Dr. Bessler and his outstanding surgical skills, I still would have my damaged nose. I am thrilled with the results of the surgery.
Thank you so much Dr. Bessler and Team.
28.05.19 from Xenia*
(copied from Google)
Dear Dr. Bessler,
Thank you so, so much. You not only saved my nose but also my whole life.
Unfortunately, I endured 4 failed nasal surgeries and was mentally at an endpoint. At that point, I thankfully found you searching the Internet. I was taken by the fact that you are specialized particularly in nose surgery. After having studied your website meticulously, I made an appointment to see you. After a first-class consultation, I was fully convinced that I will have my fifth surgery done by you and by you only. My nose, to me, seemed to be a lost case because of the thin skin damage by the four previous surgical procedures… You made the impossible a reality; you were and are in every sense perfect, perfect, perfect!
I am over the moon and sincerely hope that others will find you, too, so you may alleviate their agony. I will recommend you anytime full heartedly. Because I not only suspect, but know for certain, that you are the best nose surgeon – a surgeon with a heart and a perfectionist. Again, thank you so much - also to your competent and kind team for the excellent and compassionate care.
Kind regards from Xenia*
31.01.2019 from Beatrice*
Dear Dr. Bessler,
Thank you so much!! For me, last Monday’s procedure was life-changing, and this to the positive! I could not have made a better decision than having my surgery done by you.
You just did a top job and are really gifted. Surgery and postoperative course were without complications. Care before, during and after surgery was outstanding. I experienced no pain and a rapid recovery. I am very satisfied and happy. Your competence, professionalism, and empathy are unique. Already after my first consultation, which was thorough and comprehensive, I trusted you and your team fully.
It will be my pleasure to recommend you to anyone who might consider nasal surgery; I could not recommend anyone better. Thank you again for everything “Doctor Nose”, also a BIG THANK YOU to the team! You are just great!

02.08.2018 from Dario*
Very excited about how my daughter feels after her aesthetic nose operation. That her life has taken an upward swing and that she feels really comfortable and beautiful. This all from a more than happy daddy. After experiencing my daughter's operation, Dr. Bessler asked me why I speak so nasally. I gladly placed myself in his capable hands, where he was able to alleviate all of my problems with one nose operation and made it possible for me to breathe again. Thanking him and his very capable professional team!
Daddy: Nose operation 17 years ago (surgery to improve nasal breathing)
Daughter: Nose operation 1 week ago (aesthetic nose surgery)
04.04.2018 Andrea*
Letter from Andrea* 6 weeks after her nose revision-surgery with rib cartilage. She had several previous nose operations by other surgeons before:
Dear Dr. Bessler,
I still have some postoperative swelling, however the rhinoplasty you performed is simply ingenious and you - the nasal surgeon - simply too good to be true!! You deserve my full admiration and respect for this surgical masterpiece. I am relived and my heart is full of joy.
I am looking forward to seeing you again for my follow up visits and wish you a pleasant time.
Information from Andrea* (for another patient) 16 days after her nose operation with rib cartilage:
The chondrocostal (rib cartilage) graft donor site is marked by the surgeon prior to surgery. Because the incision to obtain the cartilage graft was below my left breast the suture is hidden. I was told that the surgical incision would be approximately 4 cm long. I was very pleased to see that the final scar turned out to be much smaller. The incision was beautifully closed with few stitches, and I believe, it will be hardly noticeable when fully healed.
After surgery I was able to close the skylight window as usual with a full-extended left arm and without pain at the site of costal surgery. Naturally, there is still some discomfort in the costal region where surgery was performed, mainly after maintaining certain positions for a prolonged time. I then usually take a deep "belly breath" resulting in immediate relieve. All in all, for now, the whole experience of costal graft harvesting was a piece of cake for me.
Team Dr. Bessler: On a scale of 1-10 I'll give12!
Dr. Bessler: I truly believe, that there is no better nose surgeon in the world than Dr. Bessler.
Although, I still have some swelling (I am only 16 days post surgery), his achievements leave me speechless.
Whoever has the privilege to be operated by Dr. Bessler, is certainly fortunate.
22.02.2018 Nasal Surgery – Eda – Feedback

10.02.2018 Mr Giovannoli*
Dr. Bessler is proud to have the patient's permission to publish a letter, which this patient wrote after his nose operation to another person, who was considering a nose operation.
Dear Mrs Miller*,
It is perfectly fine for me to answer in English. At least, I hope that my statement will be clear and help you find the best decision. My experience with Dr. Bessler was brilliant - he was excellent. I am of the opinion that he simply is one of the best medicine doctors I have ever met. I am sorry to hear that your first surgery (which was performed by another surgeon) was not successful. If possible, my history was even more complicated. My first surgery was back in 1990, the doctor cut away more than he should have, so my nose resulted in being too short and flat. He tried to correct the mistake, but was not successful. Thereafter, I have been practising and teaching Karate for 27 years approximately, moreover I am the owner of a law firm.
As a result of these factors, no doctor wanted to do the revision of my nose. Until I met Dr. Bessler. Our first meeting took three hours (!), although I was convinced to undergo the surgery. In the course of that meeting, he explained how a nose works, what he intended to do and, of course, he described the possible risks (inherent to every surgery). I had the impression to be in very good hands and was impressed by his high professionalism and the ability to communicate with patients. Another thing that hit me was Dr. Bessler's passion for his work.
My operation was on July 7th, 2017. The result is very beautiful. The nose has not caused any pain (and this is quite astonishing), the only part of my body that has been hurting for the duration of one month were my ribs, because it had been necessary to extract a part of my rib to rebuild the nose. Needless to say: Dr. Bessler looked after me extremely well - also during and after surgery.
Addendum: I was quite nervous before the surgery, also because I kept on asking myself how my clients and employees would react. Well, the worries were unnecessary, because the "new" nose perfectly fits my face. The surgery has not modified the way I look dramatically. But my expression is more elegant now and I simply look better. It was a revision, not a revolution.
I hope this short repost is of some use to you. Don't hesitate contacting me if there are any questions arising.
Best regards, Mr Giovannoli*
05.10.2017 - Patiente de la Suisse
Tous mes remerciements à Dr. med. Stephan Bessler et son charmant Team pour leur engagement et dévouement lors de l`intervention chirurgicale que J`ai subie (cancer blanc de la peau) sur la partie gauche de mon nez. Endroit très délicat et qui nécessite une grande précision.
Mon médecin de famille me l`ayant conseillé, alors j`ai consulté son site très riche en informations. Celui-ci, ainsi que le parcours impressionnant de Dr. Med. Bessler m`ont convaincue et donné confiance de le choisir.
Ses très hautes compétences, la perfection, la précision dans son travail ont fait la réussite de cette opération.
Cette dernière s`est très bien passée dans une atmosphère agréable, calme et détendue, assistée par son Team très qualifié et sous le regard plein de tendresse d`un petit ange (tableau accroché au mur de la salle d`opération).
L`accompagnement durant les semaines suivantes a été parfait, toujours sans douleur, avec beaucoup d`attention et de chaleur humaine.
Je ne peux que recommander Dr. Med. Bessler, le remercier encore une fois et lui souhaiter pour l`avenir encore beaucoup de succès et de reconnaissance.
01.06.2017 - Patient from Zurich
Walking through the streets of Zurich, buying a new pair of sunglasses, lying on the Rentenwiese in Zurich and just feeling great about everything...
My greatest thanks to Doctor Bessler and his team, who made a big wish of mine come true.
I don't look different, but I do look much better!
01.06.2017 - Patient from Zurich
Dear Dr. Bessler,
I would like to thank you for the successful removal of skin cancer from the right side of my face. My right nasal wing and the spot beside my right eye were affected, hence a delicate operation.
The operation was carried out to my utmost satisfaction (painlessly).
I also was extremely well looked after by your team.
After my recovery, none of my friends even noticed that I had had surgery on my face.
I am very grateful to Dr. Bessler and can warmly recommend him.
01.05.2017 Valeria
Thanks to Dr. Bessler, I feel like a new woman. I had some breathing difficulties and my nasal septum was tilted and bent. This really bothered me and I found it distressful. But thanks to Dr. Bessler, I am now happy in every situation and I finally sleep well again. It was my request that the surgery would not affect or change my appearance, and indeed Dr. Bessler achieved this masterfully. Going to Dr. Bessler was the best decision I ever made. Thank you so much Dr. Bessler and thank you to your team who was very compassionate and supportive.
Thank you so much, Valeria
05.04.2017 Bettina
Dear Dr. Bessler,
Over a year ago you performed my nasal surgery. Everything went smoothly and healed perfectly without complications. Moreover, I find the result very attractive. I am able to breathe much better through my nose and I am very pleased with my looks. Thanks to you! My confidence and enjoyment of life has increased a lot. Thank you so much.
With best regards, Bettina
17.02.2017 Hans
Free breathing through your nasal airways is important for concentration and general wellbeing. This, in particular, is true for myself during my work in an operating theatre, wearing a surgical mask. Thank you, Stephan, for correcting the blockade of my nasal airway passage. With kind regards. Hans, Attending in anesthesiology.
06.11.2016 Ale from Italy
I've always had a lot of trouble with my self-esteem, because of my aspect and I thought that a rhinoplasty wasn't really going to make the difference... but I was so wrong! Dr. Bessler did an amazing job and now, after 20 years of avoiding to look at myself in the mirror, I finally see my reflection smiling and I can finally say that I really am beautiful, and really believe it when I say it. I will never be able to thank Dr. Bessler enough because he did an amazing job with professionalism and patience, and all I have now is a beautiful pointy little nose and a great smile when I look at myself in the mirror. I am so happy with my nose and so grateful to Dr. Bessler for what he did, and to all of the staff of the office who were so kind and, most importantly, spoke English very well! (When someone is a non-German speaker like me, being able to speak English and being understood is vital!
Talking about how good the staff is: I would like to mention one of the nurses, Mrs Berit Schreiber, who helped me a lot during the recovery from my first operation: I loved her sweetness and kindness and the fact that she as a nurse, for the first time in my life, made me feel safe after an operation. She was truly amazing. Or Dr. Konstantinos Sipakis, the anesthesist I had on the day of my first operation: he and what I believe was his assistant were so funny and sweet and gave me courage for the operation!!! I loved them so much!!!
And last but not least:
To Dr. Bessler: thank you so much for the great patience and professionalism, you really are my hero, I will never be able to thank you enough for making me feel beautiful, for the first time in my life. What they said about you was right: you really are the best!!
Thank you so much to the staff and to Dr. Bessler for the amazing miracle you achieved!!!
06.10.2016 A
As an international fashion model, the shape of my nose is not only a reflection of my personality, but also an essential element for my work and career. Thank you Dr.Bessler. A.
29.08.2016 Susan
After three bad attempts of surgical nose reconstruction, somebody recommended Dr. Bessler to me. This recommendation was the salvage of my nose!
My nose was asymmetrical and deformed due to three prior reconstructive surgeries that went wrong. One of my nostrils has shrunk and my upper lip was scarred.
After the surgery, performed by Dr. Bessler, my nose is finally straight again and symmetrical. My nostrils are nicely shaped and equal, my upper lip harmonic and without any visible scars. I am over the moon and very grateful to Dr. Bessler.
Thank you so much Dr. Bessler and a BIG THANK YOU to Dr. Bessler’s team for their consistent excellent care.
Susan from Zurich
23.06.2016 R.W.
Dear Dr. Bessler,
I would like to, once again, express my heartfelt thanks for the successful removal of the small “cancer” from the difficult area at the top of my nostril. I have total admiration for your ability. At the same time, you have made my nose look younger. My sister also believes that it looks less “pointy”. As a result, it is also a success from a cosmetic point of view.
I still have a very vivid memory of the day of the operation at your surgery. I even remember the small Botticelli angel in the top corner of the operating room, which is a very beautiful and calming feature for patients.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank your assistants who looked after me with such care on the day of the operation.
Warmest regards, R.W.
02.05.2016 Vanessa
Dear Dr. Bessler,
Many thanks for bringing a "smile" to my face again. I am absolutely over the moon.
Best wishes, Vanessa

03.02.2016 Geeta
I`m so happy with my new nose. Thank you very much Dr.Bessler for the amazing work. Best wishes, Geeta!
28.01.2016 Dashne from Zurich
I had already undergone a nose operation in the past, but it hadn't helped me in the slightest.
Then, Dr. Stephan Bessler was recommended to me. He did amazing work, with the result that I can breathe deeply through my nose with ease now.
Many thanks.
12.01.2016 Edith from Thun
My heartfelt thanks to Dr. med. Bessler, who improved my quality of life and gave me the most wonderful Christmas present in the world with the nose operation. My nose is no longer blocked and I can finally breathe deeply with my mouth closed, something which initially took a bit of practice before I could do it again. What a wonderful doctor and surgeon. He is a genius in my eyes – very understanding and sensitive, and a true specialist in his field.
After an odyssey of over 12 years of dealing with so-called "specialists" who couldn't operate on me or left me absolutely terrified of surgery, I finally found my way to Dr. med. Bessler. An ENT doctor even had this to say about my case: "Who would even dare to voluntarily operate on your nose?" The many cortisone tablets left their mark on my adrenals, in the form of osteoporosis, etc. Even an experienced pulmonologist also refused to operate on me. There were a lot of doctors and many years went by. But now I'm a new person. Yes, even my sense of taste and smell are almost back to normal. It's like I've been reborn. All the alternative therapists I consulted also refused to do a nose operation. What a total waste of time and money. I don't regret undergoing the operation for a second, despite being petrified at the thought of it due to my experiences with the earlier ENT doctors. Even the removal of the tamponades wasn't so bad, even though it is talked about in the Internet as being an awful experience. This probably had to do with my wonderful surgeon.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Dr. med. Bessler once more. I highly recommend him. I felt like I was in excellent hands in Klinik Pyramide in Zurich and with Dr. med. Bessler.
03.01.2016 Female patient from Zurich
I was referred to Dr. Bessler to check my nasal breathing difficulties. He recommended that I undergo a nose operation to improve the aforementioned. The operation took place under general anaesthesia in his practice. After a few hours to recover under observation, I was discharged and allowed to go home. After the operation, I hardly had any pain nor any visible bruising on my face. Despite the tamponade, I was able to breathe almost freely through the small tube in my nose.
Now, 6 months after the operation, my nasal breathing difficulties seem to have disappeared and the problem has been completely resolved. This operation has improved my quality of life markedly. I'm very happy that I decided to have it done.
I would recommend Dr. Bessler and his professional team to others at any time.
Nasal Surgery – Marco – Feedback
08.07.2015 Female patient from Zurich
My nose had already been operated by another surgeon on two occasions. Unfortunately, two failed surgeries. I was very dissatisfied with the results. Based on a recommendation, I tried my luck for a third time with Dr. med. Bessler. He advised me very competently. Without any hesitation, I decided to have him perform the operation. For me, Dr. Bessler's specialisation and many years of experience were very important criteria for the decision as I already had two failed operations behind me.
Dr. Bessler informed me in detail about the upcoming operation and was able to give me an idea of the possible results using photographic simulation.
It has now been a month since the operation, and I have been absolutely satisfied with the results up to now. Now I need to be patient for a little longer until the tip of my nose becomes more slender. My nose is still swollen.
My sincere thanks to Dr. Bessler and his entire team for their outstanding care.
04.10.2014 Mario from Winterthur
Due to the deviation in my nasal septum, I had problems breathing through my nose; I also didn't like the shape of my nose. Based on a recommendation and my own research, I got myself referred to Mr Bessler for an initial consultation. During this consultation, Mr Bessler made an excellent impression on me, which is why I was only too pleased to ask him to perform the operation. In addition to this, his exclusive specialisation and experience were important decision-making criteria for me. My initial positive impression was confirmed during the detailed consultation. I received in-depth information about the upcoming operation and was able to gain an idea of the possible results using photographic simulation. I also had the opportunity to talk to a patient who had already undergone the operation.
It has now been four months since the operation, and I am extremely satisfied with the results. I can breathe far better through my nose, and it looks very natural. The healing process is still not quite finished, but the operation has already been worth it in my eyes.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Bessler warmly for his work, and his whole team also for the excellent care.
I wish you all the very best and I look forward to seeing you on the 3rd of November.
04.10.2014 Female patient from Zurich
I like my nose profile, in particular the fact that you cannot see the external scars and that the nasal bridge is more slender. The tip of my nose could still be a bit more slender, though. I felt very well cared for, was well informed before and after the procedure, and the personnel were also very friendly. To my surprise, the procedure and the recovery time after the operation were almost pain-free.
My expectations were fulfilled; I would not hesitate to undergo the procedure again.
16.09.2014 A male patient from Richterswil
I am very happy that I decided to undergo the procedure. Now I can breathe through my nose much more easily, my sleep is far more restful (no sleep apnoea) and the drowsiness that I used to experience during the day has markedly declined. Many thanks to Dr Bessler and his team.
02.09.2014 Jürg from Zurich
Dear Dr Bessler,
First, many thanks for the operation on my nose. I always remember the first time we met when you examined my situation in your calm manner and explained the options, including all the advantages and disadvantages of an operation, as well as the general anaesthesia.
As soon as I woke up after the operation, I immediately felt like I could breathe far better – it was like a dream. Now, 1 ½ weeks later, the swelling on my face has gone down completely and every breath is a pleasure.
The procedure was more than worth it, demonstrated by the immediate effect that it has had on my sleeping habits. I no longer wake up during the night and I sleep better. It's a pity that I didn't get this operation done earlier.
The biggest surprise was that I didn't feel the slightest pain at any time – fantastic. I would also like to thank your team for the kind and attentive care right throughout the procedure and beyond. Once again, thank you very much for everything. I highly recommend you and the operation.
Best wishes
26.08.2014 Specialist physician from Basel
Dear Stephan,
I have had another detailed look at the patient's photos. The shape of the nose is extremely attractive with the projection of the tip and alignment in the area of the nasal bridge. The proportions are very well chosen: Good work.
11.06.2014 Rossella from Frauenfeld
My nose is now extremely harmonious and natural-looking; I think it really suits me. It's as if I've always had this particular shaped nose. People who know me hardly notice it; I've even forgotten how my nose used to look.
14.05.2014 Sandra from Winterthur
It's been six months since my operation. Thank you very much for your work. My quality of life has noticeably improved since I underwent my procedure. Nasal sprays are a thing of the past.
14.01.2014 Grozda from Zurich
Thank you for everything. Dr. Bessler is an artist.
All I can say is: thank you. I can recommend Dr. Bessler and his team without hesitation.
06.01.2014 Sileia from Zug
Many thanks for the excellent, professional care from everyone in Dr. Bessler's team
02.12.2013 Christina from Adliswil
I would recommend Dr. Bessler at any time to anyone who is thinking of undergoing surgery on their nose. Many thanks to the entire team. I felt that I was in very good hands throughout the whole process.
10.10.2013 Sabina from Winterthur
I am extremely satisfied with the results. It is even more beautiful than on the computer simulation.
30.09.2013 Female patient from Zurich
Dear Dr. Bessler,
It's been around 2 1/2 months since my operation and I am delighted with the results. I never imagined that my nose would look so beautiful and natural so soon afterwards. The people who work with me, friends and relatives are also impressed.
You can't see any scars at all; the swelling has also gone down considerably. The wonderful results are now more evident; it has also become progressively easier to breathe through my nose.
Once again, my heartfelt thanks to you, Dr. Bessler and to your whole team.
Best wishes
18.09.2013 Specialist from Zurich
Dear Stephan,
I examined Ms W today. The scar on the right nasal wing is only visible when viewed through a magnifying glass. Wonderful work.
Many thanks in my name for the excellent working relationship and naturally also on behalf of the patient.
Physician for dermatology in Zurich
15.08.2013 Regina from Lucerne
I am very satisfied and everything went extremely well.
08.08.2013 Female patient from Bremgarten (AG)
Dear Ms Burgmaier,
I had my final follow-up check for the time being with Dr. Bessler last Friday. Everything looks wonderful. The residual swelling will go down completely in the next few weeks and months; however, I'm already extremely satisfied with my new nose.
Many thanks for the care during and after my operation. Please pass on my thanks to Dr. Bessler as well. I am happy that I dared to take this step.
I will contact you in spring regarding my next appointment. Until then, I wish you all the best.
Best regards
25.04.2013 Annina from Zurich
Thank you for everything.
18.04.2013 Isabel from Bülach
I am happy that I decided to have this operation done, and very thankful to Dr. Bessler and his team for their excellent care.
15.04.2013 Lily's blog entry
Hello beautiful people,
Short and sweet: I've had an operation on my nose for aesthetic reasons. As it has come to my attention lately, due to feedback in my circle of acquaintances, that such operations are still hushed up or even taboo in Switzerland, I wanted to say a few words on the subject here in my blog.
I'd like to begin by giving my two cents worth on so-called external flaws. They are initially connected with something negative or understood to be ugly, which in my mind constitutes a rather bad association. Flaws in particular can be really beautiful and more often than not even a type of personal trademark. What would Kate Moss be without the gap in her teeth, who would Cara Delevingne be without her bushy, extravagant eyebrows (ok, there would definitely be no need to have an operation to fix this...) and would Adele still have the same charisma as a singer if she was as skinny as a rake? Or would Will Smith still be Will Smith without his prominent ears? Naturally all these people are famous and we don't know them otherwise – which naturally makes an obvious improvement of this feature even more difficult for the persons concerned as the public would follow this in detail. However, aren't all these features which many people deem to be flaws actually very beautiful? Truthfully? Each of us must decide for ourselves. And only for ourselves. I find the slightly protruding mole beside a friend's nose beautiful, while she on the other hand doesn't like it at all. If she thinks that it needs to go, I will understand and support her in her decision. I have never known my mum without her acne scars, which are the remnants of an emotionally difficult time for her. They were a part of her. However, Mama saw it differently; she hated these scars and recently underwent laser treatment, which rendered them almost completely invisible. It's a good decision as long as she is convinced of this and now feels more comfortable in her skin. I think you know what I'm getting at: flaws here and there; imperfections are not automatically ugly. Or as my nose surgeon defines my nose so perfectly in my example on his homepage:
Shall I live with the shape of my nose or shall I undergo surgery to improve its appearance? The answer to this question differs from person to person. If your nose is an integral part of who you are, there's no reason to undergo surgery. However, plastic surgery may change your mirror image to such an extent that your joy in your appearance grows by the day. Your self-confidence and quality of life can be improved as a result." Correct!
I also think that you should take sufficient time to weigh up the ins and outs of such an operation, which also always involves risks (and not only due to the money side of things but also tampering with your personal, external "ME"). I also have days when I don't like my figure, I think my breasts are too small and my rear end is too large, for example. Or when I think my lips could be a bit fuller and my eyes a bit more prominent. However, these things are simply a part of me (ok, if I did some focused exercise, my large rear end wouldn't have to be included in this...) and makes me optically into the person I am and who is loved by my friends. Besides: who's actually perfect? In my opinion, as soon as you can't accept something about your appearance over a longer period, don't enjoy seeing your reflection in the mirror and your self-confidence even takes a hammering, it's time to start thinking of making a change. Whether you have to make this change by undergoing a risky surgical procedure straight away, or whether perhaps a change in diet or sport (to improve your figure), a new haircut (e.g. wearing your fringe on your forehead once in a while) or make-up (e.g. to cover a scar which worries you) can bring about the result that is right for you is naturally something you need to decide yourself.
In my case, the decision was an easy one. I had had a love-hate relationship with my big nose from the time I was little. And it was so bad that I ran against a door when I was a little girl in the hope that my nose would break and would immediately be reduced in size in the subsequent operation. Naturally I didn't break my nose – I just caused it to bleed. I gave up on this hair-raising idea right after the initial failed and painful attempt, but I never stopped being uncomfortable with my nose. I tried my best to ensure that no one looked at me from the side or managed to take a picture off me. I couldn't even bring myself to look at my profile in the mirror and if it happened, I immediately thought I was ugly. I was never been teased or bullied about my appearance; however, in my case it wouldn't have made any difference. Naturally some of you here will think I don't have any self-confidence; I have to accept myself as I am, and there is far worse out there. That's correct; there are far worse things out there. However, you can probably only truly identify with someone in such a situation when you are/have been in a similar one.
I originally wanted to have an operation when I was 18 years old. However, due to my education and limited savings, I allowed myself a bit more time. In the middle of last year, it seemed to be the right time, so I searched in the Internet (still further) for information on such an operation and the right doctors. The page, which was recommended to me by an acquaintance, helped me in my search. Acredis is nothing more than an independent monitoring centre for plastic surgeons. Click here for a detailed explanation. I only availed myself of Acredis' free advisory service; this means, doctors accredited by Acredis were recommended to me by phone and I received answers to basic questions. I then googled the recommended doctors in the Internet and studied the relevant internet pages. In the process, I got stuck on the page of Dr Stephan Bessler, a nasal surgeon from Zurich. His page and his philosophy impressed me and I felt like I was in the right place from then on, despite never having met him personally. Normally the next step would be an initial consultation, which would cost approx. CHF 200.00. However, Dr Bessler offers a free-of-charge email advisory service on his web page. All you do is fill out a form (the issues you have, what you hope to achieve with an operation, etc.) and include pictures of your nose from every perspective. Shortly thereafter, you will receive a personal answer from Dr Bessler as well as a quote, which in my case didn't change. Afterwards, I immediately asked for a detailed consultation (I didn't feel the initial discussion was necessary due to the advice I had received by email; this doctor had won me over), which I received at the beginning of January. In the process, we discussed everything and before-after simulation pictures were created, which I would like to show you below:
As is evident from the pictures, what concerned me besides the size and the hump on the nasal bridge was the "drooping nasal columella", which Dr Bessler said he would easily be able to correct at the same time as the aforementioned two issues.
As I said, last Monday was D-Day and I went under the knife. The operation proceeded smoothly; I got there at 8.00 am, I was greeted warmly by the anaesthetist and immediately readied for the operation. Around 8.30 am, I was in the land of nod, and I only remember the moment when I woke up again around 5 hours later. Afterwards, I was initially frozen and shivering; I was wrapped in a warming blanket and slept for a further hour or so. After waking up for the second time, I was given a glass of juice (I've never had juice which tasted so good, I tell you) and I staggered to the toilet with the help of a medical assistant. However, I felt great, I didn't feel nauseous or have any pain. After a short discussion with Mr Bessler, I was picked up by my father around an hour later and driven home, where I soon fell into bed.
The last few days, I have been almost completely bed-ridden. My eyes swelled up so much the day after the operation that I could hardly keep them open, and at present they are all the colours of the rainbow. I'm able to sit in front of the screen a bit longer today and finally type these lines. However: it now sounds a lot worse than it is. Although I hardly have any strength to do anything and I look like Rocky after a boxing match with my cast on my nose and the rings of bruising under my eyes, I hardly have any pain and am feeling better by the day. Next Monday, my stitches will already be taken out and the cast removed. You can't imagine how much I'm looking forward to seeing the results.

27.03.2013 Georges from Lucerne
Dear Dr. Bessler,
I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for your professional services.
I particularly appreciate that you always drew my attention to the limits of surgical procedures and the vagaries of nature. In the case of my hereditary cleft lip and palate and the many earlier procedures that I underwent, you didn't want to and simply could not conjure up the amazing success that I was after with the rhinoplasty procedure. With a great deal of expertise, you showed me the real options, which were also limited due to my prior history.
I am pleased that you took on the challenge and were definitely able to improve some of the symmetry and appearance of my nose by taking a step-by-step approach. I can recommend your services to others with a clear conscience.
I wish you and your team continued success and all the very best.
Best wishes,
Georges Rudin
27.02.2013 Roger from Oberrieden
The team is professional and caters to the needs of the client.
I would like to thank everyone involved in the operation.
23.01.2013 Margarita from Zurich
Many thanks for my wonderful nose.
07.01.2013 Female patient from Winterthur
Dear Dr. Bessler and team,
Many thanks for the skilled pre-treatment and follow-up care related to my nose operation.
When I walked into your practice two years ago, I was extremely confused. I had had my nose corrected by a surgeon, but the procedure was unsuccessful. Afterwards, my nose looked uneven and long. I couldn't identify with it in the slightest, and felt uglier than ever. My dissatisfaction had a major effect on my family and on me. There was no way that I could avoid a further operation. I had been looking for the right surgeon for a long time because I knew that revision surgery is very complicated. Through the discussions with you, I regained my ability to trust and was able to surmount my fears.
I am extremely happy that I dared to take this second step. I finally feel attractive again.
Best wishes
December 2012 A female patient from Zurich
Dear Mr Bessler,
I also wish you and your family a wonderful festive season, a good start to the New Year, and only the best for 2013.
Once again, many thanks for your time and your efforts for my "new" nose (I never thought that it would be better afterwards than before).
Thank you
December 2012 A male patient from Zurich
Dear Dr Bessler,
My new little nose has really heightened my sense of taste – I have never experienced anything like it...
Many thanks for this.
Best wishes
04.12.2012 Josette from Oetwil an der Limmat
I felt as though I was in good hands with Dr Bessler. Many thanks.
04.12.2012 Fanny from Zurich
Many thanks for your brilliant work, Dr Bessler. I am proud of my new nose.
04.12.2012 Ernst from Steinhausen
I would do it again without hesitation as I am extremely satisfied with the results.
24.11.2010 A female patient from Zurich
Before I decided to undergo rhinoplasty on my nose, I walked around with this thought staring me in the face for a long time. I didn't just have to think the medical and aesthetic consequences through carefully but also the emotional effects that went hand in hand with this procedure. The nose sits in the middle of the face and is thus an essential part of the way we see ourselves.
However, what type of nose do we want? An attractive nose, not too small, not too large, definitely not fake-looking... This is where Dr Stephan Bessler's true talent really comes to the fore. With professionalism and sensitivity, he discerns the vision that drives us – the one we have difficulty expressing out loud. Now I have the nose which I like and which suits me. That is not only surgical ability, Dr Bessler, but also artistry!
Best wishes
28.11.2012 Christian from Schaffhausen
Many thanks to the entire team.
10.10.2012 Carole from Küsnacht
I am sorry that I didn't undergo the procedure earlier.
02.10.2012 Regina from Wohlen AG
I am extremely satisfied with the results of my operation.
17.09.2012 A male patient from Lucerne
I am pleased that I decided to undergo the procedure. I'm looking forward to the results and to breathing more freely. Thank you
03.07.2012 Ms Di Blasi from Zurich
Dear Doctor Bessler,
I would like to thank you once again for the successful operation. You have given me my self-confidence and my smile back.
When I think back, it makes me smile. When I came to your surgery for the first time four years ago and unfortunately with two failed operations behind me, you refused to take me on as a patient as you thought that I would again be dissatisfied with the results of a further operation and that my suffering was instead more psychological in nature.
This is when my ordeal began and I went from one nasal surgeon to the next. I began to compare others with you; no other surgeon could win me over to the extent that you had. I could not understand why you had refused to take me on as a patient even though all the other surgeons were ready to operate on me for the third time.
However, the difference was that other surgeons wanted to talk me round beforehand; however, they didn't try and see things from my perspective, so I didn't trust them. In your case, the complete opposite happened. When I implored you incessantly to rethink your decision, you invested an enormous amount of time in me and explained all the risks.
When we started planning and found some common ground after several meetings, I waited impatiently for the operation.
I wasn't an easy patient, that I admit :-) I am sure it wasn't easy for you to "pick me up" in psychological terms and still attempt to help me.
However, you proved your talent to me, which is why I would like to extend my sincerest thanks through this letter and tell you that I am the happiest woman in the world. I would also like to encourage others with an equally difficult history to entrust themselves to you.
I discovered that you exercise your craft with total commitment, skill and passion.
Therefore, thank you very much, dear Doctor Bessler.
Best wishes
Cinzia Di Blasi
15.06.2012 A male patient from Affoltern
Dear Mr Bessler,
It's been a year since my nose operation.
As you know, I wasn't the easiest of patients. You succeeded in making me happy. I am very pleased with my nose, and it works better than it did in the past.
I would like to thank you and Ms Burgmaier in this regard.
Thank you very much, and have a wonderful weekend.
26.05.2012 A male patient from Schaffhausen
Dear Dr Bessler,
Once again, many thanks for everything that you have done for me. You advised me and operated for five hours, did your best to shape a proper nose out of a completely deformed, wrecked one. If the operation hadn't gone ahead, I don't know what I would have done. You were correct; the tip of my nose became more slender as the months went by. I think the cortisone injections also played a part in this process. I don't know how I can ever repay you for what you've done for me. I would just like to say THANK YOU. My quality of life has improved for the better again since the operation; for example, I don't feel like people are staring at me or judging me on the shape of my nose when I am in the train or out in public. I would not hesitate to have you operate on me again at any time and I highly recommend you to everyone. It took me a long time before I could accept the new nose shape as my "new" nose. However, now I know that it's my nose and it's part of me and has turned out to be simply wonderful. I think everyone goes through this; you need a certain amount of time after a nose operation until you can say, "yes, that's my nose and it's great".
Best regards
05.04.2012 Tobias from Aarau
Good advice and optimum preparation for the operation. Very good post-operative care.
29.03.2012 Christian from Zurich
If I had known that it would improve my quality of life to such an extent, I would have had Dr. med. Bessler perform the operation much earlier. I would like to thank him for the successful nose operation.
I am so impressed that I have already recommended Doctor Bessler to friends and acquaintances.
Thank you also to Dr Bessler's team.
29.11.2011 A female patient from Zurich
Thanks to the procedure, I can now breathe better through my nose. I would have the operation done by Dr Bessler again in an instant, and I have no hesitation in recommending him to others.
14.10.2011 A female patient from Uster
I am delighted that I had the procedure done.
I can breathe more freely through my nose and the aesthetic rhinoplasty has changed my life for the better.
I recommend Dr Bessler as a nasal specialist.
I greatly appreciated the personal care from the initial consultation through to after the operation. During this time, I felt very secure thanks to his expertise. I would not hesitate to recommend him to others.
Many thanks to Dr Bessler and his team.
04.10.2011 Refika from Männedorf
Dear Dr Bessler
You operated on my nose on 13 September 2011. I am over the moon with the results. I can breathe normally again and my nose has become very beautiful. I would not hesitate to have the procedure done by your good self again.
Many thanks for your wonderful work as well as the care provided by your team.
Best wishes
Refika Imamovic
01.09.2011 A female patient from Ibach (SZ)
- Extremely satisfied with the end results/operation.
- Extremely satisfied with the doctor/work.
- Extremely satisfied with the team
- Extremely satisfied with the care during and after the operation
15.06.2011 A female patient from Lucerne
I am very happy that I underwent the operation
as it changed my life for the better.
I would not hesitate to have it done again.
15.06.2011 A female patient from Zurich
Many thanks for your outstanding work and for the new lease on life that you have given me.
13.05.2011 Letter of reply from a "large health insurance company"
Dear Dr Bessler,
We refer to our retroactive audit and our discussion by phone on 13 May 2011.
Our consulting ENT specialist has checked the operation reports supplied to our independent medical examiner, along with the Tarmed invoicing, and finds as follows:
"All four cases were complicated rhinoplasty procedures to correct the function and shape of the nose. To summarise, the existing documentation notes that the complex procedures were performed with great care at a very high specialist level, the operation reports were compiled in a precise and detailed manner, and the invoicing was restrained without including any aesthetic components. I would eventually like to also send him a patient with a complex surgical nose problem".
In the eyes of the decentral controlling team, this statement was a highlight, and we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your support and for the correctness of your invoicing.
Best wishes
31.03.2011 A female patient from Lenzburg (AG)
First-class care before, during and after the operation. I am extremely satisfied with my nose (in aesthetic terms as well as the extent to which it has improved my breathing) and I would not hesitate to recommend Dr Bessler to others.
24.11.2010 A female patient from Zurich
Hello Mr Bessler,
I would like to thank you once again.
The nose operation freed up my breathing.
I also like the new shape much more than the old one.
I would recommend you to everyone who is suffering from similar problems.
Many thanks for the expert care.
Best wishes
03.11.2010 A female patient from Zurich
Dear Dr Bessler,
Around a year ago, after several good references and a very pleasant consultation, I decided to have you perform a rhinoplasty operation on my nose. What scared me the most was the thought of the general anaesthesia.
However, sleepless nights before the operation date didn't stop me from going under the knife. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; I was cared for by an excellent, kind anaesthesia team.
I was amazed at how professionally they were able to distract me, so that I didn't even notice when I went under. It was painful when I woke up, my head was humming and it felt as though someone had thrown a stone at my face. I also received first-class care after the operation; the practice assistants were very helpful and friendly, which I greatly appreciated.
I was in pain for the first few days; however, it wasn't so bad that I wouldn't consider doing it again.
After a week, I could have the dressing removed and I felt much freer and could breathe through my nose again. My nose was still very swollen, but it got better week by week. I have had this "new" nose for a year now and I am very happy that I decided to undergo an operation.
I really like my nose and I can recommend Dr Bessler in the highest possible terms.
Many thanks; I really appreciate you, the treatment and your entire team. I'm extremely happy with the results of the operation.
Best wishes
08.09.2010 A female patient from the canton of Aargau
Dear Mr Bessler & practice team
I cannot express sufficiently my thanks in words. I finally have my life back.
02.09.2010 A male patient from Zurich
Thanks to this procedure, I can now finally breathe freely through my nose. I would not hesitate to undergo the operation again.
I feel absolutely wonderful.
02.09.2010 A male patient from Zurich
Top treatment both in medical and in human terms from the very first consultation to the follow-up checks after the operation. I belong to the most the satisfied patients of Dr Bessler as I can now breathe far better through my nose since I underwent the operation.
14.07.2010 Female fencer from Zurich
Despite my initial fear, I felt safe with Dr Bessler. My expectations were fully satisfied. I can breathe much more easily now, my sleep is undisturbed and the aesthetic rhinoplasty was done superbly. I would not hesitate to have Dr Bessler operate on me again.

19.05.2010 A female patient from Zurich
Dear Dr Bessler,
You corrected the bridge of my nose last year. I am extremely satisfied with the results of the operation. The bridge of my nose is now completely straight and I am also breathing better through my nose. I am pleased with my new nose. I would also like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the follow-up care. I would be pleased to recommend you further.
My very best wishes
24.08.2009 A female patient from Baden
I am very happy that I underwent the operation. The results suit my looks and personality, as discussed in the consultations.
10.05.2010 A female patient from Zurich
Dear Dr Bessler,
10 years ago, you performed a nose operation on me. It was the best decision I have ever made. I'm extremely satisfied with the results and very happy with the way I look. There has not been a day when I have regretted this decision; on the contrary, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.
The operation has increased my self-confidence significantly. The people around me are also amazed by the results of the operation. I still cannot breathe absolutely feely through my nose, so there are a few remaining hurdles to clear.
Best wishes
20.04.2010 Peter from Wetzikon (ZH)
Dear Mr Bessler
Here is my article on my operation.
Forget it; you will regret it.
You won't be the same as you were before the operation.
Can you imagine all the things that could go wrong?
I will like you whether you have the operation, or not.
These and many others were arguments which stopped me from going ahead with my long-desired nose reduction for more than 30 years. And time and again my gaze returned to my nose, to my desire to undergo an operation.
During my work as a client advisor and my life as an artist, I was often questioned about my trademark. That hurt. More so when I was younger than later. However, it also hurt when people I didn't know observed me from the side.
It's not just an optical issue as such, but more so that such a small thing which is a touch larger than the norm can be afforded so much significance.
It didn't really help me in spiritual terms when friends tried to comfort me.
At the age of 48, I then decided to undergo a nose reduction. I asked for information from different people and in the process stumbled across you – total luck of the draw.
My feelings and my inner world were doing cartwheels from the time I decided to do it until I underwent the operation. However, it was a maturation process. Yeah yeah, you're never old enough for this.
The night before the operation was of course horrible. Redemption came with the anaesthesia in the operating room.
Waking up and the first two days in hospital were HELL. I had a dry mouth and couldn't go to sleep if my life depended on it. You can't imagine how I looked.
But slowly, slowly, after taking the dressing off, the sun rose in my soul once more. I could look in the mirror and I started smiling deep inside.
I was still myself but without IF and HOWEVER. The essence of what makes me the person I am hasn't been affected in any way whatsoever. What should I say: I was happy. And, I still am.
Now I've suddenly noticed that the side-on glances have disappeared. I'm not asked about my nose any more – but – or better said: HOWEVER, everyone recognises me, examines my face and doesn't realise what has changed.
Mr Bessler, my whole life has changed. It has nothing to do with self-love but rather with satisfaction. I am finally, after a long time, at peace with myself.
I am me.
I would like to thank you for this from the bottom of my heart.
Peter Jud – PEO Cello
20.04.2010 A female patient from Zurich
I am very happy that I decided to undergo the procedure. I can breathe better through my nose now. I also feel much more comfortable; I have gained more confidence as a result of the rhinoplasty, and I think my face looks friendlier now.
The consultations and clarifications performed by Dr Bessler were always very comprehensive and professional. I am more than satisfied and pleased with the results; many thanks once again.
17.03.2010 A female patient from Dietikon (ZH)
I am extremely satisfied with my new nose, despite catching a severe cold in the first three days. It feels as though my nose has always looked this way.
Many thanks Dr Bessler.
05.03.2010 Ms Brazerol from Zurich
Nasal septum operation.
8 years ago, I had a procedure done by Dr Bessler to widen my nasal septum. To this day, I am still very happy that I decided to have this operation done.
I haven't had the flu again or had a blocked nose since that time. Before the operation, I had the flu 3–4 times a year for 2–3 weeks at a time with a terribly blocked nose.
I am extremely satisfied with Dr Bessler's work; he also successfully cured the ear catarrh that I had had for months. Simply said, I'm happy :-)
Best wishes,
Anita Brazerol
03.03.2010 A male patient from Lucerne
I lived with a crooked, non-functional nose for thirty years. I put off taking this step because I was a bit scared that something unforeseen might happen during an operation. Well, we are talking about my own body, after all.
Fortunately, someone told me about Dr Bessler's practice; he took a lot of time for the consultations and addressed my individual issues. The wonderful feeling I had before the operation at Dr Bessler's surgery bore out happily after the operation: I can finally breathe freely through my nose and it still virtually looks the same, as per my wishes. I am more than satisfied.
Many thanks
19.02.2010 St. Reber from Berne
In 2003, I had my nose operated on by a plastic surgeon. To say the results were catastrophic is an understatement. In the next few years, I sought advice from different doctors regarding reparative surgery. However, it wasn't until I met Dr Bessler that I felt like I was being taken seriously. In the run-up to the operation, he gave me a lot of time and also discussed the risks. Furthermore, he showed me very openly the limits of what he could achieve. In light of the complexity of the second operation, the results are more than positive. My quality of life and self-confidence have improved significantly as a result. Immediately after the operation as well as in the weeks and months afterwards, I always felt as though I was in good hands with Dr Bessler.
Many thanks to Dr Bessler for his help.
Best regards
Stefan Reber
16.02.2010 A male patient from Buchs (AG)
Reason for the operation: Marked left-side deterioration in breathing, straightening of the nasal bridge
- Extremely friendly, courteous and helpful assistants and ladies in reception.
- Dr Bessler came across as skilled and experienced during the consultations. He was also very friendly and courteous
- Operation and post-treatment were completely pain-free and professional
- Faster and more comfortable wound healing than for friends who had undergone a similar procedure with other doctors.
- (e.g. air tubes inserted in the nose – I could already breathe through them after the operation)
- End results (improved breathing, straighter nasal bridge) are impressive and successful.
- I highly recommend Dr Bessler.
Many thanks to the entire team, including Dr Bessler in particular.
10.12.2009 A female patient from Zurich
Firstly, many thanks for the good care from the whole team.
I felt understood, secure and that I was being taken seriously before and also after my nose operation.
Since my nose OP, my quality of life has greatly improved as I can breathe a lot better again and go to sleep without worrying about not getting enough air.
Many thanks for everything.
Dr Bessler, I would like to wish you and your entire team a relaxing Christmas and a good start to the New Year in 2010. Keep doing what you are doing.
My very best wishes
18.08.2009 Hansjörg from Obfelden
The operation on my nasal septum was a great success. I felt like I was in excellent hands with Dr Bessler and his team both before and after the operation.
With the exception of a slight headache on the first evening after the operation, I had no pain; the swelling went down quite quickly and everything healed quite quickly, too. The homoeopathic medicine that I took before and after the operation definitely helped me (Arnica C200). Naturally the first 2 nights with the drainage in my nose were a bit challenging and I couldn't really sleep as I find it impossible to breathe through my mouth and sleep at the same time. However, such things are quickly forgotten.
Now I can breathe freely through my nose and my quality of life is far better than before the operation. There's just one downer: I should have had this procedure done 30 years ago...
Hansjörg Schneebeli, Obfelden
14.08.2009 A female patient from Zurich
I am happy that I decided to take this step. I find it much easier to breathe through my nose now and I am extremely pleased with the change in appearances.
09.06.2009 Christian, Betr Oec HWV, Businessman
Despite undergoing a difficult nose operation at the hands of another surgeon, the desired improvement to my breathing did not eventuate. I really stumbled across Dr Bessler's homepage by chance and made an appointment for a personal consultation.
I had a good feeling right from the start, and in the meantime, 2 successful procedures have been carried out. Both went very well and I can finally sleep well again and feel very rested in the mornings.
I was extremely satisfied with the work done and the examinations. I have recommended Dr Bessler to my niece and other acquaintances, and all of them were happy with the quality of the consultations and the measures taken; all their expectations were more than fulfilled.
I will only let Dr Bessler get his hands on my nose, no one else.
Chr. Schaller, Betr Oec HWV, Businessman
03.06.2009 Heidi from Zurich
I'm glad I decided to undergo the nose operation. It was a complete success – I can finally breathe better through my nose again. Many thanks, Dr Stephan Bessler
11.11.2008 A male patient from Central Switzerland
My operation dated 11. 11. 2008
I would like to mention that I don't regret it and would not hesitate to do it again, at least in the practice of Dr Stephan Bessler. The approach and performance of the entire team were always professional, friendly and pleasant.
I can breathe better through my nose. Even if the difference is not "extremely" noticeable. However, I can sleep with a closed mouth again without difficulty and just breathe through my nose without having the feeling that I am not getting enough air. In aesthetic terms, everything has turned out the way it was agreed in the preliminary discussions, and how I thought it would. The results are more than good. I now feel very comfortable and no longer think about the unattractive shape of my nose. I think I can also say that I have gained a little self-confidence in the process. In my eyes, it's important that you allow yourself enough time to pamper yourself after the operation and let everything heal properly. The pain was manageable; however, it was quite difficult to sleep at the beginning. In my case, it took a long time until the swelling and bruising had healed completely; however, it really wasn't a problem.
My conclusion: The costs, the effort and the "pain" were worth it. I wouldn't hesitate to undergo a procedure of this type in Dr Stephan Bessler's practice again.
16.09.2008 A male patient from Zuchwil
My operation dated 16. 9. 2008
In 2008, I had my nose operated on by Dr Bessler. It included a functional as well an aesthetic change to my nose.
I was impressed by Dr Bessler's professional approach and patient manner right from the preliminary discussion. As a result, I felt extremely comfortable and finally decided to go ahead with the operation.
Around a week after the operation, there were hardly any traces of the procedure on my nose and I had had virtually no pain at all.
Now I can breathe far better through my nose, which means I feel much fitter during the day; even when I have less sleep than usual.
I really like the shape of my nose a lot more than before – although I feel it is not entirely perfect.
However, I need to mention that my profile looks exactly like what was displayed on the computer simulation, and Dr Bessler made no incisions whatsoever on the outside of the nose. (so there were no visible scars)
Perhaps the potential improvements would have been more obvious to me if we had created more simulation pictures or nose types. Unfortunately, I didn't ask for them at the time.
In summary, I must say that I am very satisfied with the operation and my current nose, and I would not hesitate to undergo the procedure at the hands of Dr Bessler again.
Thank you very much for your excellent work.