News & Blog - Clinic for Nose Surgery & Rhinoplasty

Short News

14.02.2025 - New Video: Risks and Precautionary Measures during Rhinoplasty

In the latest video, Dr. Bessler talks about the possible risks of nose surgery and the comprehensive measures that are taken to minimize them. Thanks to these precautionary measures, there have never been any serious complications in his 30 years as a nose surgeon.


29.09.2024 - Video: Process of Initial Consultation and Examination for a Rhinoplasty

In this video, Dr. Bessler explains the initial consultation process, including an initial examination, a computer simulation with the possible new nose shape and the procedure for the nose operation and the possible risks. At the end, the patient receives a 40-page documentation with his or her individual pictures and all the necessary information.


26.07.2024 - Video: Nose Surgery of Mauro - Improvement of nasal breathing and flattening of hump nose

Mauro had trouble breathing through his nose, especially at night. Since he wasn't entirely happy with the shape of his nose, he decided to have the shape changed at the same time as improving his nasal breathing. We see Mauro in the video before, during and immediately after the nose job, as well as a week and three months later.


01.05.2024 - Video: Carlos Rhinoplasty - Correction of nasal breathing, hump nose and crooked nose

Carlo can hardly breathe through his nose. And he is not happy with the shape of his nose, especially his pronounced nasal bump and his crooked nose (from the front). We accompany him in our video from the first consultation and medical evaluation, through the nose operation, to the results three months after the operation.


You can find many Videos about all aspects of rhinoplasty on this website and many up-to-date videos and news on our Instagram-Channel and Youtube-Channel.

08.02.2024 - Rhinoplasty in Local Anesthesia or in General Anesthesia?

by Dr. Stephan Bessler

In our clinic I perform nose surgery in general anesthesia and in local anesthesia. General anesthesia means, that you sleep during your rhinoplasty. Nose surgery in local insensitivity – also known as local anesthesia – means, that you are awake and able to talk to me. With thin cannulas I make your nose pain free, which means, that you feel something, but you have no pain.

You can eat before the operation and if you need to use the restroom, we can interrupt the rhinoplasty for some minutes. Usually, under local anesthesia, the patients don’t need tranquilizers.

The advantages of local anesthesia are:

  • That you don’t need general anesthesia (for example if you are afraid of it)
  • The costs of your nose surgery are around a third lower
  • You have no drowsiness
  • You can drive a car directly after your nose surgery.

Operations to change the cartilaginous nose – this is the elastic part of your nose, the one which you can move – and simple changes of the bony pyramid – which is the stable part of your nose – can be operated in local anesthesia.

Big changes of the nose or bony changes of the nasal cavity I perform in general anesthesia.

Every experienced nose surgeon offers rhinoplasty in local anesthesia. It is your choice, which method is crucial.

30.04.2023 - Break the Nose or Cut the Bone?

by Dr. Stephan Bessler

During the initial consultation for nose surgery, patients often ask whether I have to break the nose. I always feel a certain shudder at this question. Indeed, 'breaking the nose' sounds like an act of violence, an accidental surgical result, and pain with bruising around the nose and eyes.

Let me reassure you! Such horror scenarios of nose-breaking date back to the original era of rhinoplasty, which began around the time of the First World War. They belong to the past.

It is the case that I often change the bony part of the nose. However, I don't break the nasal bone, but I cut the bone since a fracture line on the bony nasal pyramid usually does not lie in the perfect place.

For cutting the bone, I use three different instruments:

  • The ultrasonic knife, called piezzotome: this instrument is widely used in surgery of the bone. With the ultrasonic knife, I can cut the nasal bone precisely and reduce bleeding.
  • The diamond drill or the so-called burr: With 14 thousand revolutions per minute, this device cuts the bone precisely. I can cut the nasal bone finely and accurately and thin it out. Continuous water rinsing is necessary with the piezzotome and the diamond drill for heat dissipation.
  • The micro chisel: This 2 mm wide chisel is also very useful when cutting the nasal bone, especially when only a short bone gap is necessary.

These instruments - ultrasonic knife, diamond drill, and micro-chisel - significantly reduce swelling and bleeding and allow high precision in rhinoplasty.

