Stephan Bessler
My specialisation in aesthetic nasal surgery and nasal revision surgery
During my professional career, I have specialised exclusively in aesthetic nasal and revision surgery. My focus on rhinoplasty has enabled me to reach a high degree of proficiency.
Significance of nasal surgery
Top-class nasal surgery is much more than simply operating with great precision. It is the combination of surgical precision and sensitivity towards the personal wishes of the patient. This is where my long-standing experience plays a pivotal role.
My operating philosophy
One cannot change the shape of a nose by simply excising tissue. Even today, this is still a very common misconception, even today. Even when making a minor change to the contours of the nose, the whole structure of the nose and its role and function must be considered when deciding on the operating technique.
Your trust in us
As your treatment team, we make every effort to ensure you feel comfortable with us as a patient and receive individually tailored treatment. Trust between the patient, the doctor and the team is a vital prerequisite for successful surgery. Trust can only be developed by means of thorough, unrushed consultations. I will spare no effort to ensure this is the case.
During our consultations, we use computer simulation to discuss your desired nose shape, the character of your face, and your own personal charisma. Many requests can be fulfilled.
Revision operations
Many patients contact me after having undergone an unsatisfactory initial operation elsewhere. My long-standing experience in nose surgery enables me to achieve improvements even in difficult situations.
Long - term experience
I have been practising nose surgery for 25 years. My long-term experience, combined with follow-up inspections, even many years after surgery, allow me an accurate assessment of long-term surgical results.
As your nasal surgeon, I am not only your surgeon and physician but also your personal cosmetic consultant.

Interview with Stephan Bessler
In an interview with Dr Jan Leuzinger (FMH Surgery), co-owner of the Etzelclinic in Pfäffikon, in the canton of Schwyz, I answer the most important questions in my area of expertise.
Why do you exclusively perform nose operations?
Nose operations are delicate precision procedures where even a tenth of a millimetre matters. I very much like this type of surgery, and it suits my skills well. If you want to work with such precision, you require a great deal of experience, continuous training and medical education. This is the only way I feel I can achieve the excellence in surgery I am always striving for with consistent first rate outcomes.
How many operations do you perform annually?
Approximately 200 under general and local anaesthesia. This is an ideal number to maintain practice without it becoming assembly line work but still include individual variations. In addition, I always devote a great deal of time into personal discussions and consultations with every patient.
What do you deem to be good nasal surgery?
I am sure I have done a great job when I have shown true sensitivity towards my patient's needs while, at the same time, operating with top-class surgical precision.

How important is it to discuss the operation with the patient?
The discussion about the nose operation is just as important as the operation itself.
On one hand, I inform my patients about the details of the operation so they can make an independent informed decision whether to go ahead or not. On the other hand, as a nasal surgeon, I like to get to know the patients along with their wishes and perceptions, and be able to gauge their expectations. Some clients also need to learn to understand that not every modification to their nose is technically possible.
In the process, you also work with photo simulation?
Yes. This helps many patients to gain a clearer picture of the end results. However, you also need to be extremely careful in the process. Such a picture may also lead to fixed ideas of how the results will look like. Therefore, I always tell my patients it is not entirely representative of the operation results. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases, we are able to achieve very similar results to those depicted in the simulation.
How would you describe yourself as a nasal surgeon?
I view myself as a perfectionist and an aesthete. My work means a lot to me and I want to achieve excellent operation results without having to stick to a deadline. Nasal surgery is very similar to the work of a jeweller.
Some people even refer to you as Dr Nose...
Yes, I find that amusing. I really like the nickname. It seems my specialisation and my perfectionism have made word-of-mouth. I feel quite honoured that people perceive me this way.
You've also undergone nasal surgery yourself?
At the age of 18, I had my nose operated by a renowned plastic surgeon in Zurich. It was necessary due to impaired breathing and a deviated nasal columella. This operation failed to provide the outcome I expected. Years later, I had to undergo a second nose operation, which was performed by a specialist in nasal surgery. The outcome is better; however, unfortunately, not perfect. Maybe I should have a go at it myself. When I have the time. :-)
Which surgeons do you recommend yourself?
If had to undergo further surgery, I would definitely ensure that the surgeon had sufficient experience in the specific field of nasal surgery. Nasal surgery follows its own rules, which means it cannot be compared with any other surgical procedure. A good plastic surgeon or ENT doctor is therefore not necessarily a good nasal surgeon.
Should you undergo surgery if you snore?
It certainly should be considered as snoring may have dangerous consequences on your daily life if your nightly breathing is severely obstructed and affects your sleep. Depending on how severely your nightly breathing is obstructed, this can lead to drowsiness during the day and cardiovascular disease. If a person is breathing irregularly or is drowsy during the day, I certainly would recommend a specific professional examination, which may also be performed in our practice.
Do you also advise people against undergoing an operation?
Most definitely. If clients are unsure whether to have changes made to the shape of their nose, I always advise not to go ahead with an operation. Your own unambiguous whish of having an operation or change the shape of your nose is an important prerequisite.
And do you ever categorically refuse to perform an operation?
It is very rare that people come to my office with an unfeasible request, despite the best of intentions. I never operate if my gut feeling isn't right.
Do you also perform revision operations?
Unfortunately, the request for revision operations or second / reparative operations is something I see far too often. Nearly one third of patients who come to see me had prior surgery somewhere else and are unsatisfied with the outcome.
Are all your clients happy with your work?
I'm proud of the level of satisfaction among my clients. However, even if you try extremely hard and always do your best, you can't always please everyone. If someone actually is truly dissatisfied, I'm always prepared to discuss options of reparative surgery.
How has nose surgery changed?
The function of the nose has received increasing attention in the last 10 years. Modern nasal surgery unifies unobstructed nasal breathing with an elegantly shaped nose. In the past, ENT doctors often operated the inside of the nose, and then, subsequently, a general plastic surgeon the shape of the nose. This is no longer practised these days as it has been recognised that shape and function of the nose are so closely interrelated that is inconceivable to divide the operation in discipline-specific terms.
Is the beauty ideal of the nose changing?
In the past 10 years, the conception of the aesthetically perfect nose has changed considerably. We find slightly larger noses more attractive these days than we did in the past. A nasal hump can also achieve an aesthetically pleasing effect. Larger noses radiate self-confidence and strength, and are therefore favoured more frequently than in the past.
Do you have any final comments you'd like to make?
Yes. I think it's important you allow yourself sufficient time to make a decision. You can happily wait one or two years to allow the decision-making process to mature. Another idea is to perhaps run it by friends and acquaintances. People who have had similar experiences will certainly have some exciting input to give. If you're very unsure, you can also think about asking a psychologist or a coach. Finally, one other thing has become clear over the years: it's not a good idea to take out a loan for nose surgery.
Professional Career
Practice for ENT, Facial Plastic Surgery at the present location
In-depth training with surgical focus of nasal surgery
Fellowship under Prof. Dr. Ivo Pitangui, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fellowship under Dr Jarl Buanes, Oslo, Norway
Fellowship under Dr Marian Cantisano, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fellowship under Dr Stefan Bosniak, New York, USA
Training in facial surgery
Clinique d'ORL at the University Hospital Lausanne under
Prof. Dr. Phillipp Monnier as Deputy "Chef de Clinique".
Specialist training in Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
ENT clinic at the University Hospital Zurich under
Prof. Dr. Ugo Fisch as Assistant Doctor and Chief Resident
Surgical training
Surgical Department of University Hospital Zurich under
Prof. Dr. Felix Largiader
MD at University Hospital Zurich
Medical studies in Zurich
The Rhinoplasty Society of Europe
EAFPS, European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
European Rhinology Society
AAFPRS, American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Swiss Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
Association of Zurich Doctors for ENT, Facial Plastic Surgery AGZ, Association of Physicians of the Canton of Zurich